
Title: Great Feasts in the Ohrid icon Painting from 15th to 19th century
Author: Milco Georgievski
Publishing Date: 1998
Notes: Exhibition Catalogue. In Macedonian only. With pictures.
Edition: 1
Pages: 24
City: Ohrid
Publisher: NI Institute for Protection of the Monuments of Culture and Museum-Ohrid

Title: Icon gallery-Ohrid (separate editions in English and Macedonian)
Author: Milco Georgievski
Publishing Date: 1999
Notes: With pictures. With Bibliography and Glossary.
Edition: 1
Pages: 112
City: Ohrid
Publisher: NI Institute for Protection of the Monuments of Culture and Museum-Ohrid
ISBN: 9989-9993-33-1-7

Title: Icons from the Ohrid opus of Dicho Zograph (in Macedonian)
Author: Milco Georgievski
Publishing Date: 1999
Notes: Exhibition Catalogue. With pictures. Summary in English and Bibliography.
Edition: 1
Pages: 46
City: Ohrid
Publisher: NI Institute for Protection of the Monuments of Culture and Museum-Ohrid
ISBN: 9989-9993-4-1

Title: The Presentations of Jesus Christ and Mother of God in the Ohrid Icon Painting
Author: Milco Georgievski
Publishing Date: 2000
Notes: Exhibition Catalogue. In Macedonian only. With pictures.
Edition: 1
Pages: 48
City: Ohrid
Publisher: NI Institute for Protection of the Monuments of Culture and Museum-Ohrid
ISBN: 9989-924-00-7

Title: From the Treasuries of Ohrid (in Macedonian)
Author: Milco Georgievski
Publishing Date: 2001
Notes: Exhibition Catalogue in Macedonian only. With pictures.
Edition: 1
Pages: 38
City: Ohrid
Publisher: NI Institute for Protection of the Monuments of Culture and Museum-Ohrid
ISBN: 9989-924-02-3

Title: Icons from Ohrid - Macedonia (In Macedonian and English).
Author: Milco Georgievski
Publishing Date: 2004
Notes: Text and translation by Milco Georgievski. Including 12 separate plates
Edition: 1
Pages: No page numbering
City: Ohrid
Publisher: Municipality of Ohrid Tourism Department

Title: Icon Gallery-Ohrid (in Macedonian and English)
Author: Milco Georgievski
Publishing Date: 2005
Notes: Small Monograph. With pictures. First Edition in 1995.
Edition: 2
Pages: 32
City: Ohrid
Publisher: NI Institute and Museum-Ohrid, Municipality of Ohrid

Title: Graphic Leaves 18th-19th Centuries From the Collection of Museum Prilep
Author: Slavica Aleksoska
Publishing Date: 1999
Notes: Text in Macedonian only
Edition: 1
Pages: 20
City: Ohrid
Publisher: NI Institute for Protection of the Monuments of Culture and Museum-Ohrid